
The course offer ‘around the birth’ of SAG-care development BV is given by specially trained maternity Physical Therapy van Smeden and Practice therapists Mensendieck. The courses are at different locations throughout the city. There is always a course that suits you, both during the day and in the evening. For more information: 020-5814080 or check


For new Dutch people (Turkish or Moroccan women who do not speak Dutch), teenage mothers and for pregnant women in possession of a stadspas, the course is free.

Lamaze class

To stay fit during your pregnancy and the time after childbirth, you can choose a course with gymnastics around the birth.

If you are pregnant

For eight weeks, you’ll be doing more than one hour of exercises every week, including pelvic floor, breathing and relaxation. These are given by a specially trained physiotherapist or exercise therapist Mensendieck.

Four times an extra hour of information is given on a number of practical matters. Social and emotional aspects of the mother are also addressed.

After childbirth (your baby is four to six weeks)

This follow-up course of five meetings is given by the same teachers as during pregnancy. Every week you do an hour of exercises. Three times an extra hour of information is given about getting to know your baby and about being a mother.

You give up for the whole course around the birth, both before and after childbirth.

Pregnant, giving birth, a child!

Around the birth, especially for women who want to prepare for the arrival of their baby together with their partner, the course ZBK.

The course consists of seven meetings of two hours before childbirth and three meetings after childbirth:

  • The first hour is always for you together and consists of information about the standing parenthood.
  • The second hour is for the pregnant women and consists of a lot of practicing. The partners are welcome twice in this practice area. So they come to know what they can do to support their wife.


Preparing for parenthood is important for both parents. A workbook is used to interact with the changes in your life with the advent of a child. A number of very experienced teachers (youth nurse, lactation practitioner, midwife, a father coach and an educating consultant) are given information about:

  • Contact with your child
  • Coping with anxiety and pain around childbirth
  • What mother/father do you want to be?
  • What does the arrival of a child mean for your future?
  • What is important for the development of the baby?

For the expectant mothers:

  • Exercises for condition and posture
  • Pleasant and healthy Pregnancy
  • Feeling comfortable in your skin
  • Relaxation and stress management

For the upcoming fathers:

  • The importance of Father involvement
  • The practical sides of paternity

For teenage mothers

If you are pregnant and younger than 20 years old, the pregnancy course for teenagers is something for you. You meet girls of your own age who are also pregnant.


This course allows you to get in on a weekly basis. You can join until your child is born. You will also meet girls who have almost come to giving birth. The repetition is important. Every time a subject or an exercise comes over again, you remember it better.


The course is given by a physiotherapist or therapist Mensendieck and a nurse of the OKC. You are doing exercises for relaxation and breathing. These exercises can be very well used in childbirth. The teachers tell about the delivery, about the mother and how you can get to know your child. You will also see beautiful movie fragments. At one of the meetings you can bring the father of your child, your mother, aunt or a girlfriend.